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Sunday, August 19, 2012
@ 6:02 PM

Weekly sharing have been fixed. From now on every sunday will have sharing at SBF.

today is the third sharing and its was about the lunar 7th month and stuffs. Nothing interesting tho.

Last week sharing talk more about relationships with family with accordance to one of the sutras, The gradtitude one should have towards the parents must always be there no matter how fucked up they are. Just tell yourself no matter how fucked up, right now you have a house they provide for you, the water, electricity, allowance they once provided for you should be able to make you feel better.

Sometimes its in a spite of anger we all speak nasty stuffs or nasty attitude. You can never be able to pay back the debt we owe our parents. 

Just recently i went to help lawrence with one of his video projects and spoke to him. I will say everytime when i talk to him, it just open up my mind and allow me to learn something new. I'm glad i met a good mentor in my life to be able to guide me along.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
R.I.P. @ 7:19 PM

Yet another heart wrenching news caught my attention. The passing on of another of my friend, Wendy Tan. I don't know of the cause of it but i presume is her body condition. It was a pretty sudden news tho. I didn't expect something to happen to her after she recover form such a long stay in the hospital.

Who's gonna go sentosa to tan with me next time?

Not too long ago another of my friend Joshua Chia passed on. I had this weird dream for the night and didn't felt well about it. I was afraid that my nightmare will come true again somehow. It came true and another friend left me. Just how long will i have to go through such shits? Its scary to have nightmare coming true most of the time.

Monday, July 9, 2012
To Contemplate or not to? @ 1:59 AM

With the recent unfortunate event which sentence me to 7 days stay in the singapore arm forces detention barrack makes me contemplate about my life. Throughout that 7 days of torture, i felt as though i was the lowest life form. Being treated worst than any stray dogs and cats which i used to took care of. i began to hate myself even more for causing myself to be landed in such a place. My simple thoughts of complacent, my simple action of not checking the rounds, cause me to live in a stuffy small cell which is my bedroom, toilet and dining room.

I began my first day in DB complaining, grumbling and blaming others for my downfall. It was hell of a day, time seems to move so so slowly. To begin with my watch was to be kept away so i can't look at time neither is there a clock. i almost went insane, banging my head against the wall, staring into space as though i am possessed or something. I crouched by a corner in the cell refusing to communicate with anybody. When the first night falls i had a hard time sleeping. Even when i am so used to sleep in any condition and environment i wasn't any comfortable sleeping with 4 guys, in a 4.5m by 4.5m cells. I was given only a blanket and a mat. i could make do without a blanket but not a pillow so i turn my blanket into a make shift pillow. Just when i fell asleep a streak of lighting lit up the sky and the rolling thunder that followed it seems to surround me. Awoken by it i woke up realizing i was tearing throughout my sleep. Rain pelted onto me despite sleeping far away from the small window. Despite the endless effort of heavy rain and the cold wind coming at me, i still refused to use my 'pillow' as it original purpose, a blanket.

Morning came without even the sun breaking its light into the dark sky i knew one thing for sure, i survived the first day and night. After breakfast the challenge began to present itself infront me. It was nothing. LITERALLY nothing. with so much time to spare yet nothing to spend it on, its just mind-fucking. Without any device or equipment to tell time, i could only estimate time by judging from the shadow, sounds that are generated from television and ruckus from various sources. Thats basically what i face everyday for the 7 days except a few notorious regime here and there.

I took this chance to re-practice what i have learn in buddhism, meditation. For some reason the irritating annoying tingling feeling around my neck did not bother me on my first attempt. Through the first attempt i realized that i should change, change my thoughts and views on certain aspect of life, my life especially. I see that there are so much more out there which i do not know, so much for me to learn, so much to gain. I tried to plan my future with my remaining 6 days of stay. following the next 6 days i couldn't meditate ay future reason being the strangling feeling which makes me feel like i am suffocating around my neck came back. I begin to doubt again about my practice. Does it really suits me? Whatever i learnt i found them to be practical but somehow i still won't practice them because i don't see the result. Even if i seen it, i couldn't prove the involvement and link i still can't trust it 100%. I felt lost. I tried to find a salvation, salvation from whatever i am facing. The only thing i could think of is live strong and stay cheerful and cry myself to sleep every night.

Life inside DB was better and i opened up to my cell mates. I tried to talk to them and it helps to kill time much faster. I decided to give it 1 more try, to try to live my life better. I have also decided to give meditation another try, however it fails me. Despite that i still try to tell myself to live strong.

Following the unfortunate experience in DB i face yet another saddening news. A poly friend of mine chosen his path in life, a selfish decision which cause nothing but sadness and anger among all his friends. He chose to take his own life. At the acknowledgement of his departure i felt devastated. When i first met him, we hit it off well as though we were childhood friends. I couldn't accept the fact that he has chosen this path without even telling me about it. I went back my old ways drowning my sorrows with alcohol and nicotine. I was angry and yet at the same time sad. I told myself that it was indeed a very selfish idea to leave all your friends and love ones behind to cry for you, feel sad for you when you happily kick the bucket. Especially when you call me your friend yet i could not do anything for you. it ashamed me alot. I admire your courage for i am too coward to hurt myself this way. I too find it shameful to call you my friend cause you did not care for my feelings. I was glad i did not do anything stupid before.

Having so little true friends depsite having more than 1000 friends in facebook is just another sad truth. People whom i call friends, brother, sister step by step they gain my trust, stab by stab they betrayed me. Leaving me alone to fend off insults and shame.

I wondered how long it would be before the pain found me, even this deep within the psychic landscape of my own fabrication. I lied to myself that ii would forget her and move on after she choose to end our relationship. Its been almost 3 years and all i did was to miss you even more. i pretended to be happy, i pretended that i am fine, pretended that i am used to facing every knockbacks alone. I can lied about being fine when i am hurt, when i'm sad. i acted as though i am happy when i'm cold and alone. i can still find a glimpse of light and hope for something nice to fall upon me when i know i have fucked up my life. I find it amusing that i tried to lied to an invention of my own imagination.

I've been living my 21 years of life trying to satisfy others but never once i live my life for my own. Everything i did, i do it for my friends for others. I have no goals in life, i do not know what i want whatever i want for. All i know is whatever i get i give it all to others. THEN why the hell should i live on? Can i be selfish for once and think for myself? i find it a torture this way. I can't bear to see any of you suffer even if it means tormenting my soul all these while. i tried my best to make everyone i loved and deared happy. I felt happy that i am able to put a smile on someone else's face but deep down somewhere, i felt like an idiot for creating that smile on your face at the price of my own happiness, time and health.

Having made so much friends here and there i really don't wish to hurt them even in the slightest way, so how can i choose the selfish path to take my own life? Taking into account that i am a coward whom is scare of pain and hardship. I tried to think of making my life better but it was for who? For others or for myself?

Saturday, November 26, 2011
@ 11:29 AM

i am in the army now!!!

i am not allowed to disclose any info about activities and training. However all i can say is, it really is shagg!

after surviving for 16days. all i ask for is a good rest. Later shall go shopping for army stuffs!

Thursday, November 10, 2011
@ 1:15 AM

Its my last day as a civilian.

Morning starts off with sister rebecca coming to yew tee to have breakfast with me. Passed her her early birthday present and i head my way to school.

Met so many of my friends in SP. super duper miss them! went around to find people and ahh!!!! why do i have to go in so early now. So happen that today is poly50 and i get to see most of SMEC peeps! Hopefully they can win!

Went out with Glenys to catch a movie. GOSH it must be the most boring show i ever wants to watch. Star gazing dog sounds like a touching dog show, yes its touching but somehow it was so boring that it knock me and glenys out asleep. So we did some movie hopping haha!! 2nd movie was tower heist. It was a pretty funny show. EDDY MURPHY is back!!!

it was a well spent last day of my civilian. WOOHOO!!!

Thank you all of you who is willing to meetup with me these few days for a meal. appreciate it alot. How i wish i have more time to spend with you guys!!

and its time to theycallmeshort********.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
@ 10:59 PM

my last 2nd day of civilian.

i went to find my MOE colleague for lunch. as usual after lunch have some tea break haha.

so had to bus down to CMPB to do some stupid thing. Its as stupid as going through the security checks, all the questionings and then i leave within 1min.

I have to go to identify my own face. Apparently they say they have 2 faces to the my name. SO i had to go down to see my 2 faces. Funny thing is they used face no.1 for my 11B and face no.2 for my EZ-link.

As explained over the phone, both are me and they don't believe. After going down to identify the difference the 2 picture Is the smile. GRRRRR~~~~

after everything i had to bus back to bukit panjang and it was 1hr ride. butt sore from all the sitting and bumping of bus.

Went to WSSS earlier to wait for the junior band members who is dining with me. Watching them march gives me a nostalgic feeling.

with the bunch of juniors always kena bully by them. pretty much a laughter and torture dinner at thaiexpress.

Bloody hell, last 2 days of my civilian life, i sprain my ankle.

Monday, November 7, 2011
@ 10:50 PM

Went to watch movie with Candy, its 2359.

It was hilarious, partly cause of movie partly cause of our reaction.

shop around for this and that but are just window shopping. Everything there is so expensive so i rather go else where buy.

After send her to her bus stop, i went to meet my sis and ah ma for dinner. Magazine say how good how good, actually its just bullcrap!!

ME: Is there pork in this dish? can help me ask chef?
ATB: I don't know should be same as others outside, so NO.
ME: Others outside got add pork leh. can help me ask chef?
ATB: should be same as others outside, so YES.
ME: Can you fucking help me ask the chef is there pork in it!?!
ATB: if you think have then have if don't have then don't lor. i help you ask then tell you.

meanwhile i turn back to another AT clearing the table.

ME: Is there pork in this dish?
AT: oh No we don't serve pork!
ME: so what is that pig trotters?
AT: oh oh only that is pork other dish no pork.

Ah Tiong Bu came back.

ATB: i asked chef, he say got pork.

I turn to the AT

ME: OI your colleague say chef say got pork in it.
AT: oh sorry have this kind of dish sure have de.


Food served already and start eating however. . . . . . .
they are all so fucking tasteless.
tasteless paper wrap chicken.
tasteless small fish at $38, cut till the stomach and leak the juice, makes the fishy bitter.
tasteless oyster sauce kailan
tasteless fried rice.


P/S : AT = Ah tiong = china guy
P/S / S : ATB = Ah tiong bu = china lady.

theycallmeshort********.blogspot.com updating!!!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Farewell @ 12:19 AM

Today is my last day working at MOE. it was a nice experience working there.

There are so many backstage scene people won't know. I faced only tip of the ice-berg of them.

gonna miss them and my make shift table.

My lunch was great, my colleague brought me to pasir panjang for lunch at some korean restaurant. the food was ok ok nia lor. but rather good. don't mind going there to eat again.

Friday, November 4, 2011
@ 12:13 AM

Sad my OT cannot be taken in. so all my hard work OT, all no more =[

well i like the environment and people. so i don't mind =]

the silent happiness shall be my OT!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Must solve!! @ 11:25 PM

Today was feeling unwell in the morning so didn't went to work in the morning.

Everything was going fine till after dinner. Slightly before end of the day at 9pm. There was some issues and once i try to solve it and i can't understand it. I will die die want to solve it. In the end 10pm gotta wrap up and go home.

Tomorrow then continue dig out the answer.



Ivan Ho (TJ) A.K.A Peanut

Turns a year older every 8 December.
Singapore Polytechnic Aeronautical Engineering
West spring secondary school
Jurong Primary School
Past Entries.